Emma Cook

Emma Cook

  • Purely Balanced
  • Founder & Director

Emma Cook, the owner and founder of Purely Balanced, has been researching sleep for over a decade and has been working across industries to identify and improve fatigue management issues in workforces. Dealing with the issues by delivering a practical and helpful fatigue management session or creating bespoke fatigue programmes for corporate clients and their workforces tailored to their specific requirements. Fatigue is responsible for 13% of workplace injuries and a fatigued worker is 61% more likely to have an accident at work than a well rested one! And in the world we run in, where we don’t seem to have an off switch, the words ‘tired’ and ‘burned out’ are commonly used and it’s quite simply down to the fact we don’t know how to switch off! This is where Purely Balanced stepped in, teaching us how to do exactly that. Emma will be presenting the signature 5 point switch off routine for you at the OEUK HSE Conference.

All Sessions by Emma Cook