
East Grampian Coastal Partnership - The Marine Planning Game

EGCP Ltd. was first established in 2005. It is a not-for-profit limited company representing individuals and organisations who have an interest in the well-being of the local coast between Kinnaird Head, Fraserburgh and the mouth of the River North Esk, by St Cyrus.

The emergence of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) has been ascribed to an increasing intensity of maritime use and exceeding the capacity of marine areas to meet all demands simultaneously. MSP is about managing the distribution of human activities in space and time to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives and outcomes. It is a political and social process informed by both the natural and social sciences. Over the last 20 years, MSP has matured from a conceptual to a practical approach towards sustainable development in the coastal and marine environment. Integrated marine spatial plans have been implemented by about 20 countries, and it is expected that by 2030, at least a third of the surface area of the world’s exclusive economic zones will have government-approved marine spatial plans. The imperative for employing a multidisciplinary approach stems from the nature of marine space as a multi-dimensional concept requiring insight from many scientific disciplines and types of knowledge. The definition of what exactly constitutes maritime space, and therefore the object of planning efforts, is a key challenge for spatial approaches to management.

So, What is Marine Spatial Planning and Why do we Need it? MSP is necessary to manage the use of maritime space sustainably by coordinating different human activities like fishing, shipping, energy development, and conservation, ensuring that these uses are balanced to protect the marine environment whilst also allowing for economic development, preventing conflicts between various users, and considering the cumulative impacts of activities on our marine ecosystem.